The people's opinions on the redesign of the Naira note


Following the directive, the Director of Currency, Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Amed B. Umar stated  that new individual accounts in  Nigerian banks should not  exceed five million Naira ,  While old individual accounts should also not exceed Fifty Million Naira.

He  also stated that those with multiple  bank account would be monitored using their bank verification number (BVN) while those observed  to be having large sum of money may loose it.

Respondents  opined that it was an informed  decision, targeted at some individuals to strangulate  their economic powers.

The Respondents  stated that some  economist had argued  that this is not the right time to redesign the Naira considering the up coming election  while the minister of finance also claimed  that she was not informed of the decision to redesign the Naira.
[: They suggested that the CBN should reconsider ways to improve the Naria rather than confisticating peoples funds.

They noted that Trillions of cash are trapped stressing that the CBN directive is a way of getting the money back into the system as a way of empowering the bank in fulfulling their obligation to Nigerians.

Respondents frowned against loss of fund to CBN  directive as a result of redesigning the naira saying that the CBN has no right to confiscate legally earned money

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