Apostle Ugboko charges christains to show gratitude to God always

 Christains have been called upon to show appreciation to God, in order to attract more blessings.

Apostle Ugboko of the Mount Zion Solution Centre, Asaba, made the call at a Special thanksgiving service,  in appreciation to God for his guidance and protection all through the year.

Apostle Ugboko    dwelled on the topic, he titled "Appreciation to God"  taken from Luke's chapter 17 verse 11 to 19 which  emphasized Jesus encounter with the 10 leapers, where  only one returned to give  thanks to God, and Jesus expressed joy  saying his faith healed him.

He emphasized that accepting Jesus Christ  as one's personal saviour connects believers to more blessings, stressed that many are living on oxygen in the hospital,  and that being alive and healthy calls for appreciation to God.

Apostle Ugboko said believer should be in constant relationship with God and noted that believers should not see christainty as a fair weather religion, but to at all times woship God in truth and holiness.

He stated that believers  must acknowledge Jesus in all circumstance, stressing that no matter the condition faced by believers, christains must learn to appreciate God.The senior mother of the Church Mrs Justina Ugboko called on believers to incurcate the culture of showing appreciation at all time as  God alone  can do for man what he can not do for himself.

The first and the second lessons of the service were taken by Mr Anuwom Ngozi and Mr Chukwu Zim Ugo.

 The Children, Youth women and men of the Mount Zion Solution Ground offered thanks in application to God.

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