COREN Inspects The Ongoing Road Project At Ufuma, Orumba North Local goverment area

The  Council For The Regulation Of Engineering In Nigeria (COREN) Anambra state Technical/ Expatriate committee led by the Chairman, COREN-ERM Anambra state Technical/ Expatriate committee, Hon Engr (Sir) Victor MEJU, held an interactive Technical session with the Datum Construction Company and  the three communities (Nawfija Ufuma, Ogbunka) ahead of the 26km road construction project flaged of by His Excellency Governor Soludo in Orumba south LGA of Anambra state on 10th December, 2022. The COREN Inspection team together with the consultant and the ER on the project made a good observation and admonish the communities involved to gladly assist the company to deliver a quality assurance project in line with COREN codes and standards and to give effect to His Excellency"s vision on livable and prosperous Anambra state.

Speaking at the exercise,  Engr. Victor Meju emphasized the importance of the inspection.

He said that the exercise is necessary to ensure total compliance with the code of conduct and laws guiding construction in the Engineerng regulatory Acts.

He added that the move was made to ensure that the contractors are working according to the specifications, standard and expectations of the government and community.

The roads are now motorable since it has been graded from Umueri-Ufuma to Umunebo-Ogbunka. Equipments, construction materials could be seen domiciled at the  yards for the commencement of the road construction project. The contractor has done 85% of the road clearing at the time of this Inspection

On his part, the site Engineer, Saed Skaef said he is ready to deliver  the job according to specifications, adding that he has the capacity to give Anambra State Government the best, durable and quality assured road with 100% effeciency.

He thank the Governor for trusting him with the responsibility and promised that he will not be disappointed.


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