Delta State Government empowers three hundred incubatees video below

 The Delta  State  Government has
empowered Over three hundred incubatees trained in various Agricultural value chain

The  Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural resources Dr Godfrey  Enita while flagging off the distribution of the Agricultural items to state lIFE - ND  incubatees at Ibusa said it was  the 2nd  series  of the Delta State lIFE-ND Project, across the value chains of the four priority commodities.

The commissioner noted that the gesture was infulfilment of the project objective to enhance the income of Rural Youth and women through the Agri  business enterprise development, on sustainable basis in the Niger Delta region.

He emphasized that government has initiated various laudable skill acquisition programmes targeted at empowering women and youth with a view to mitigate the negative effect  of unemployment, poverty and hunger.

According to the commissioner, the okowa led administration have not only promised prosperity to all Deltans and that through massive Agri business development and job creation many Deltans has been empowered.The state project coordinator Mr. Collins Ashoro said the LIFE ND Project is in collaboration with the federal government, Niger Delta Development Commission, and IFAD to  assist the state with developmental objective, to enhance income, food security, and job creation for youth and women in the rural areas with a view to transforming the economy

He said  ten local governments out of the twenty five were participated in the scheme while one hundred communities have benefited from the project.
According to him their capacities  have been trained based on the various incubatees centers to avail them of the redimement of best practices in their areas of enterprise.

For his part the technical assistant to the National project Coordinator LIFE ND Mr Ogunlaye Bunmi. Said the federal government is desirious to ensure the total elimination  of poverty and advised incubatees to put items received to good use.

Motorized knapsack, power tillers, Defeathering machine, generators and deep freezer were received by incubatees.Other items received include, wooden boat with out board engines, Bowls, scales , trays, fish tanks and mobile cracking machines among others.

The highlight of the event was the presentation of items to the incubatees

Some incubatees who spoke said LIFE ND has add value to their life by bringing them out of poverty

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