The body of the former Pope Benedict XVI will be displayed for three days in an open casket at St Peter's Basilica

The body of the former Pope, Pope Benedict XVI
will be displayed for three days in an open casket at St Peter's Basilica, with people allowed to pay their respects until 7pm each evening for 3 days Before the final burial on the 5th of January 2023.

Catholics, who filed into the basilica on Monday made a sign of the cross or stopped, to pray as they passed the former Pope's body - which has been displayed

Others took pictures on their mobile phones and
Thousands of people also  paid their last  respects to former Pope Benedict XVI at his lying in state in the Vatican.

He passed on 31,2022 December which was a New Year Eve, at the age of 95, almost a decade after he step down because of ill health.

Pope Francis will been presiding over on Thursday the 5th of January 2023 at Pope Benedict the XVI funeral - the first time a Pope will be buried by his successor.

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