The delta state commissioner for police,Mr Mohammed Ari.has admonished politicians to maintain peace as the Governorship and house of assembly elections draw close.
The CP said that elections are an opportunity for the electorates to exercise their franchise in a peaceful atmosphere and does not call for violence.
He said that anyone that runs foul of the law will be apprehended and prosecuted.
He added that the police high command will send crack teams to Patani during the elections
The message of the Commissioner of police was delivered by the Divisional Police Officer in charge of the Patani police station, chief superintendent Tobi a pally with some politicians of the PDP and APC extractions.
The legal team of the APC in Patani local government had made a complaint to the Commissioner of police about the conduct and activities of some PDP chieftains which are likely to lead to a break down of law and order during the forthcoming elections,if not contained now.
After the pally both parties pledged to conduct themselves in a peaceful manner.
The commissioner of police used the occasion to remind all candidates in the state that they will all be required to sign an undertaking of good conduct.
Those that attended the meeting on behalf of the APC are chief Lawrence Babodor,the vice chairman, Barr Opute Yakekemewerigha,Barr Pere Nduku , Barr Reginald Ashugwu and Elder Joseph Ekiyor
The PDP was represented by Hon Isaac Aguanah,Jude Sinebe, Godspower Ashugwu, Godbless Omoniyei among others

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