Triumphant says God's grace is sufficient for all

God's grace is sufficient for all. 

 This was the submission of Reverend Abraham Triumphant of the Christian PENTECOSTAL MISSION Asaba the Delta State Capital 

 Reverend Triumphant during a Sunday service , spoke on the principle of increase and highlighted that grace most find expression on the lives of believers. 

 He noted that where there is stealing, fraud, backbiting, gossip, characters assassination and other vices, there would be no increase . 

 Reverend Triumphant emphasize that though salvation came with grace therefore believers most work on truth with a view of working out their salvation in the fear of God 

 He said, Christians most grow in the way of God, as the ultimate focus of every Christian was to be determined to be like Jesus. 

 Reverend Triumphant called on Christians to be faithful in their services to God and in their tithing for them to be financially prudent while advising on the need to avoid shortcut and corruption

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