Message titled arise to your glory by Rev. Isaac Itobiye

Church is spiritual therefore believers must serve God in true and in Spirit The Edo State coordinator Christian Pentecostal mission CPM international Reverend Isaac Itobiye stated on Sunday while delivery a message titled arise to your glory at the Christian Pentecostal mission CPM Asaba Reverend Itobiye said the congregation only way to serve God is to know his word, inorder to manifest God's glory He said the Church is the spiritual Jerusalem which cannot be moved by abided forever adding the Church is not a market place and must be coordinated in their service to God as well as behaviour in or outside the church Reverend Itobiye said Christians should bear in mind that they are the light of world, explaining that true obedience to Gods will enable them shine even when men try's to hide them. He said Christians are of the royal prince hood and must be prepared to bring the awareness of the second coming of Christ to Others while living a glorious life The Delta State Supervisor of Christian Pentecostal mission international CPM Reverend Abraham Triumphant said believers should fortified their faith and avoid faith deflectors He advised believers not to be dependent on man, stressing that if man always come to their aid then man becomes God therefore man should not be too desperate in pursuing life desires, as true repentance give a man access to God's Grace The service featured prayer ministration and prayer for members of the church

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