By Magnus Emuji

The Permanent Secretary in the Delta State Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education, Mr. Augustine Oghoro, has lauded the National Examination Council (NECO) for her consistent partnership towards the smooth conduct of the school base senior secondary school examination in the country.

Oghoro made the commendation in Asaba during the Home Economics Subject Coordination ahead of the 2024 National Examination Council for the Senior School Certificate Examination students.
Represented by the Deputy Director in the Director  of Science Education,  Mrs. Hope Igumbor through the Deputy Director in her Department, Dr. Steve Igheghe,  the Permanent Secretary said that the coordination was  a very critical activity that must be accorded serious attention.
He noted that the activity was an annual rituals that must be carried out, adding that the collaboration between the State Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education and NECO had been very fruitful and stressed the need for participants to take the two days capacity building workshop seriously.
Speaking further, Oghoro stated  that the activity was conducted at the instance of  the State Commissioner for Secondary Education, Mrs. Rose Ezewu whom,  according to him , was unavoidably absent due to crucial state functions.

Earlier, the State Coordinator of NECO, Princess Nkechi Ugbaja, who was represented by the Deputy Director of NECO, Mrs. Amaka Osorgu  thanked the Ministry and the various subject teachers for their unwavering commitment and support.
Princess Ugbaja described the practical section as the precursor to the main examination and thus must be handled conscientiously just as she appreciated them for their selfless and relentless efforts over the past years in ensuring smooth conduct of the practical examinations.

The State NECO Coordinator said that the use of various forms that would be provided was vital for proper documentation during the examination, reminding them that any form of challenges should be communicated to the State Coordinator through the Chief Examiners and Desk Officer.

She emphasised the need for concerted efforts to tackle examination malpractice in the conduct of every examination.

In their separate goodwill messages, the Home Economics Chief Coordinator,  Mr. Anthony Igbigbi and Mrs. Mary Ogwude urged participants to work assiduously so as to achieve the set goals .

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