Parents have been advised to be role models

Children's day celebration. Parents have been advised to be role models and avoid being a bad influence to their children and wards. Reverend Abraham Triumphant of the Christian Pentecostal Mission gave the advice at a Sunday service to mark the annual children's day event, put together by Noble kingdom builders of the CPM in Asaba the Delta State Capital . He said parents must ensure that their children and wards are brought up in godly standards as well as avoid being eroded by negative influence from peer group pressure. Reverend Triumphant encouraged parents to work inline with the 2024 theme by the United Nations geared towards promoting proper education and skill acquisition for children. In an address presented by sister Anthonia Ubachukwu said the program was ment for both the young and the old and that God's standards cannot be changed because of Worldly standard and called on parents to lead by examples as their children were studying them and that life style matters alot. The youth preacher at the event Sister Chisom James who spoke on the message titled "whose standard ?" gave examples of Biblical characters, who model God's standard like Samuel, Joseph, Daniel and Joshua. Sis Chisom said people should fear God and stick to his standards, while also stressing the need to stay away from compromising situations that can expose believers to shame, hopelessness and loss of eternal life. She stressed that children should spend less time on watching television or social media and take their studies seriously. The event gave room to the CPM Noble Kingdom Builders, for drama presentation, special rendition, and recitation of Bible verses The children went home with various gift items presented to them by members of CPM while Reverend Triumphant also took time to go round the children of noble kingdom builders for a hand shake

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