Some time ago, at warri in Delta State, a young man was bitten by an unvaccinated dog. The news was carried by some online media showcasing the negative impact of allowing stray dogs everywhere without vaccination. It was against this back ground that News Tribe Communications Crew went out to ascertain the need as to why individuals should vaccinate their pets, foreign or the local breeds. Speaking in an interview with Dr Daniel Ayodele, a renowned veterinary doctor in Asaba Metropolis said dogs vaccinations against rabies must be given critical attention. With reference to the young boy's tragic death after being bitten by an unvaccinated dog has sparked an urgent call to action from public health officials. According to Dr Daniel , The boy's voice note, recorded shortly before his passing, pointed a picture of the disease's devastating impact. He said Rabies, a fatal but preventable viral disease, continues to pose a significant threat to both human and animal health. Dr Daniel who provided a critical insights into rabies and its preventive measures said Rabies is a preventable disease, but it requires responsible Pet ownership by vaccination of their dogs and cats which will also prevent such virus from spreading to humans. He stated that Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals, most commonly through bites. Stressing that the World Health Organization recommends annual vaccination for dogs and cats to maintain herd immunity and protect communities. He said the Government in some States in Nigeria have put in efforts to increase public awareness and vaccination rates by providing Free vaccination at least once a year to dog owners free of charge. He emphasized that the tragic death of this young boy serves as a reminder of the deadly consequences of rabies and the vital role of vaccination in safeguarding public health.

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