By  Magnus Emuji

The Nigerian Institution of Environmental Engineers, Asaba Chapter, has called  on every individual in the society to continually keep their environment clean on daily basis so as to ensure environmental sustainability and also eradicate the risk contracting diseases.
The Chairman of the Nigerian Institution of Environmental Engineers , Asaba Chapter,  Engr. Johnson Ogana stated this during a sensitization visit to  traders in the Midwifery Market in order to create to create awareness on the importance of keeping their environment clean as part of activities to mark this year's World Environmental Day which is celebrated every June 5.

The sensitization visit was organized by the  Nigerian Institution of  Environmental Engineers in Asaba in collaboration with the Association of Professional Women Engineers, Asaba Chapter.

Speaking further, Engr. Ogana said that this year's theme:  "Our Future: Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience " was apt.

Engr. Ogana told them that the environment they lived in was their future, adding that they should protect the environment at all times.

He reminded them that the food they eat and the water they drink were tied to the environment, reiterating that when the was dirty they could contact diseases from the environment.
Earlier, a Fellow of the Nigerian Society of Engineers and Nigerian Environmental Institution, Engr. Francis Etafo  and the Chairman of Association of Professional Women Engineers,  (APWEN), Asaba Branch, Engr. Magdalene Demesi said that the World Environmental Day was a global event set aside by the United Nations to celebrate the environment.

They noted that their area of focus as Engineers was the environmental sustainability, stressing that most times people took issues concerning the environment for granted.

Engr. Etafo, who  specifically opined that  due the challenges confronting the environment, there was  a  decline in the quality of the environment .

He explained that stakeholders were advocating for the environment to be such that despite the activities of man and other challenges including the climate change, there was need to restore and improve the quality of  the environment for the future generations .

In his remarks, the Chairman of Midwifery Market, Hon. Dim Ikhe, represented by the Secretary, Dcn. Jude Obokoh lauded the gesture of the Engineers and described it as a step in the right direction.

He restated that the traders must not wait for only Thursdays to carry out the cleaning of the market by way of environmental sanitation but consider the benefits of carrying out such cleaning activities on daily basis.

It  be could that after the sensitization, the  Environmental Engineers carried out the  symbolic cleaning of the market by sweeping and picking refuse littered around the market.

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